2023-08-25 13:09

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EU Laws Eradication Bill To End Workers Rights And Health & Safety Protections
Might Be Shelved

Unionsafety first raised the threat that Brexit was to worker's rights and health and safety leigslation, warning that the Tories indetended to remove as many EU drived laws as possible from the UK statute book.

This was back in 2016, with many people criticising the 'assertions and presumptions' of such warnings and of course the usual cry of 'Project Fear', a phrase used to denegrate anyone who opposed the UK leaving one of the world's largest economic market.

Now with the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill going through parliament, those who argued against this very reason, have been found to be totally correct in their fears, and predictions.

The Government claims that now we hvae left the EU we need to maximise our 'new Brexit opportunities' and align ourselves with standards of other countires via Trade Deals, some of which contain the ability of company investors to sue the UK Government for Billions!

Not that the UK's Tory Government are honest enough to state this, or allow public scruteny of possible deals and put them to Parliament beofre singing up.

The aim of the Tory ERG MPs such as Reese-Mogg is to ensure that ALL EU Laws arte removed from the UK statute book by December 31st this year. Whilst the Government published its risk assessment on the impact of the Bill on the UKs trade and productivity, the Government's own independent watchdog labelled the assessment as being 'not fit for purpose'! You can read it by clicking on the image to the right.

This Tory Bill is dersigned to remove ALL worker's rights!

The Bill will automatically scrap thousands of EU legislation currently transposed into UK laws – including vital workplace rights such as holiday pay, safe working hours and protection from discrimination.

Not to mention the various Health & Safety At Work legilsatative standards such as the EU Six Pack which includes The Management of Health & Safety At Work law.

But following criticism of the planned 'bonfire of worker's rights' by the TUC, Trade Unions and members of the House of Lords, not to mention 1 or 2 Tory MPs; it appears the Governent is abpit to shelve the passage of the Bill through Parliament until next year orpossibly after the next General Election in 2024.

Media reports such as this fromThe Guardian Newspaper now stresses that the Bill may be at risk:

"Ministers have begun a full-scale retreat over post-Brexit plans to ditch thousands of EU laws by the end of this year, after Tory peers warned they would join a mass cross-party revolt in the House of Lords.

Image: Guardian NewsItemThe Observer can reveal that the government has dropped plans to hold the report stage of the Brexiters’ retained EU law bill in the Lords soon after Easter, apparently to prevent a row in the run-up to the local elections on 4 May and to allow it time to consider a list of likely concessions to rebels."

But it provides this caviat:

"While such a climbdown risks angering hardline Tory Brexiters, including the bill’s original champion, Jacob Rees-Mogg, the extent of opposition to it from business, environmental groups, unions and Brussels has left ministers with no option but to consider delay, and moving to a scaled-down and less hurried version.

No new dates have been set for the report stage and peers now believe the much-criticised bill could be put back by months and possibly beyond the next general election."

Explaining the intent of the Bill, The Gaurdian article explains:

"Under the bill’s provisions, more than 4,000 EU laws kept on the UK statute book after Brexit to ensure continuity would be automatically scrapped at the end of this year, unless ministers decided that there should be exemptions.

A key complaint is the way it would cut both houses of parliament out of decisions on which EU laws should be ditched, ceding that power to unelected civil servants and ministers. This is despite the fact that Rees-Mogg and his fellow Brexiters said that leaving the EU would be a way of restoring sovereignty to parliament."

Source: The Guardian / The Daily Telegraph

See Also:

Independent Watchdog Slams Tory Plans To Repeal EU Derived Workers’ Rights

Lawyers Confirm Leaving The EU Would Put Health & Safety At Work At Risk

Tory Government To Repeal Worker's Rights After Brexit Win


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